Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Three Strategies for improving my Time Management...

Where my Time goes...

I use my time in essentially 3 ways.
  1. Recreation
  2. School
  3. Sleep

What I have learned in evaluating my Time Schedule...

I've realized that I spend a lot of time playing video games and sleeping. For the most part I already knew this so, in fact I learned nothing from creating a schedule. I do what I like to do and there is no way to self critic it.

Strategies, I use to make my Daily,Weekly and Semester Schedule...

The strategy that I used to make my daily,weekly and semester based schedule is perspective. I assessed what I would need time to do at certain parts of the day. I am pretty consistent with what I do. I rarely vary from my plans.

My Strengths and Weakeness in My Time Management Practices.

My Strengths
  • Conservative
  • Conscience

My Weakeness

  • More recreation time
  • Put off till' last minute

My Top 5 Time Wasters...

  1. Video Games
  2. Movies(DvD)
  3. Computer Browsing
  4. ???
  5. ???

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Michael Phelps situation...

Basically Michael Phelps, renowned world swimming athlete, was having a 'good time' with friends. Phelps is most known for winning an outstanding 8 medals and setting 7 records.

  • 400 m

  • 4 x 100 m

  • 200 m

  • 200 m

  • 4 x 200 m

  • 200 m

  • 100 m

  • 4 x 100 m

Of course due to his status anything he does that does not set the bar for youth will be frowned upon. So as soon as he smokes 'marijuana', its blown out of proportion and everyone flips out. True-athletes shouldnt use drugs...most importantly performance enhancing drugs. So they have begun arbitrary judgement, as to whether they should strip him of his medicals like Marion Jones.

The Computers in the Classroom situation...

Teachers have access to a device that basically networks them to the rest of the world. Students also have access to this. Although this technology exist, people would much rather use it for recreational entertainment. The lesser known fact is that, this same device can be used to instruct and teach people. Computers in the classroom as used mostly for researching and compiling information in term papers now-a-days. Parents are skeptical, for good reason, that computers are used for nefarious and mischievous ideals. Many schools have implemented browsing security clients to restrict student access to inappropriate material. For the most part, I do believe computers could be better used educational. Although this opinion is conjured simply for the completion of the post.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Presidential Stimulus situation...

President Obama is currently attempting to push forward a stimulus package. This package is supposed to revive the american economy. It is well known that American is suffering a financial crisis. The reasons are suspected to be that there is a subprime mortgage crisis as well as a crediting conundrum. Two editions of the bill were presented, one to the House of Represenatives and the other to the Senate. The original course of action was not practically conceived, as reality set in, many realised that more action is necessary for reformation of the American economy. The details of the stimulus are that billions are to be spent in; tax cuts, education, health care, welfare and energy. The bill is expensive, but hopefully the old idiom,
"you have to spend money, to make money",
stands true.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

About Me

  • Name: Clyde Fiasco
  • Age:18
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 140lb
  • Blog Purpose: For a class assignment.