Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Country for Old Men

My 2nd favorite movie hands down. This movie comes 2nd only to the masterpiece that is Pulp Fiction. I can assume half the appeal comes from the emotionless gaze that is on Anton Chigurh's(Javier Bardem) face the whole movie. I enjoy violent movies and this movie delivers that in a courteous manner. The movie is a tad bit long, almost as long as There Will Be Blood,never mind that, its only 2 hours. The character development in this movie is absurdly good. The Coen brothers force you to learn the characters way of thinking. If you are a movie-phile like my self, I would recommend this greatly. My favorite parts amidst all the killing, is the scene when Anton goes to a gas station. The dialogue during this scene is probably the funniest part of the whole movie.

1 comment:

  1. 4th Quarter

    Requirement: Each posting on your blog must have a title and be at least one complete paragraph in length.

    Points Title (20 points each)

    1. What I Have Learned In Evaluating My Time Schedule
    2. Where My Time Goes
    3. Three Strategies For Improving My Time Management
    4. Week-end blog
    5. First family blog
    6. Personality Test blog
    7. Your choice of post (1)
    8. Your choice of post (2)
    9. Your choice of post (3)
    10. Semester Reflection

    20 = Outstanding: Met the requirement.
    15 = Commendable: Some evidence of trying to meet the requirement.
    10 = Acceptable: Little evidence of the meeting the requirement.
    5 = Attempt: No evidence of the requirement being met.

    Points for Quantity
    20 = 40 –plus
    15 = 30 – 29
    10 = 20 - 29
    5 = 10 – 19

    Blog Display
    63 -70 = Outstanding: Met the requirement.
    56 - 62 = Commendable: Some evidence of trying to meet the requirement.
    49 - 55 = Acceptable: Little evidence of meeting the requirement.
    42 - 54 = Attempt: No evidence of the requirement being met.

    Grading Scale
    A = 279 - 310
    B = 248 - 278
    C = 217 - 247
    D = 186 - 216
    F = 185 and below
